بالصور.. إيريك بايلى يكافئ عاملة متجر الملابس بـ"حضن"

السبت، 17 سبتمبر 2016 10:57 م
بالصور.. إيريك بايلى يكافئ عاملة متجر الملابس بـ"حضن" ايريك بايلى
كتبت - هديل البنا


اضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء

التقطت الكاميرات النجم الإيفوارى إيريك بايلى مدافع نادى مانشستر يوناتيد الإنجليزى خلال قيامه بجولة للتسوق بمدينة مانشستر برفقة أحد أصدقائه، عقب الهزيمة التى تعرض لها الشياطين الحمر من نادى فينورد الهولندى ليلة الخميس الماضية.

16.9.16..... MAN UNITED'S ERIC BAILLY FORGETS SOME OF HIS SHOPPING, GETS CHASED BY THE SHOP ASSISTANT AND THEN GETS A HUG.........Man United's Eric Bailly has a 2 hour shopping trip to Selfridges in Manchester city centre on Friday afternoon to buy the winter coat that he ended up wearing out of the shop due to the weather getting colder. A shop assistant runs after Eric and his shooping pal after they left some of their shopping in the store.

ذكرت صحيفة "ذا صن" الانجليزية، أن مدافع نادى مانشستر يوناتيد أجرى جولة للتسوق برفقة أحد أصدقائه بمدينة مانشستر، وفقد بعض الأزياء داخل أحد متاجر الملابس الذى كان يتسوق بداخله، وتبعته إحدى العاملات بهذا المتجر لتعيد له الأشياء التى فقدها، فقام بمكافأتها بحضن بالاضافة إلى بعض الكلمات الطيبة.

16.9.16..... MAN UNITED'S ERIC BAILLY FORGETS SOME OF HIS SHOPPING, GETS CHASED BY THE SHOP ASSISTANT AND THEN GETS A HUG.........Man United's Eric Bailly has a 2 hour shopping trip to Selfridges in Manchester city centre on Friday afternoon to buy the winter coat that he ended up wearing out of the shop due to the weather getting colder. A shop assistant runs after Eric and his shooping pal after they left some of their shopping in the store.

ونشرت الصحيفة عدة صور للمدافع الإيفوارى خلال حمله لبعض المشتريات استعدادًا لفصل الشتاء، ومعانقته لتلك الفتاة التى تعمل بمتجر الملابس، ثم تركها وانصرف برفقة صديقه لمتابعة جولة التسوق.

16.9.16..... MAN UNITED'S ERIC BAILLY FORGETS SOME OF HIS SHOPPING, GETS CHASED BY THE SHOP ASSISTANT AND THEN GETS A HUG.........Man United's Eric Bailly has a 2 hour shopping trip to Selfridges in Manchester city centre on Friday afternoon to buy the winter coat that he ended up wearing out of the shop due to the weather getting colder. A shop assistant runs after Eric and his shooping pal after they left some of their shopping in the store.\

16.9.16..... MAN UNITED'S ERIC BAILLY FORGETS SOME OF HIS SHOPPING, GETS CHASED BY THE SHOP ASSISTANT AND THEN GETS A HUG.........Man United's Eric Bailly has a 2 hour shopping trip to Selfridges in Manchester city centre on Friday afternoon to buy the winter coat that he ended up wearing out of the shop due to the weather getting colder. A shop assistant runs after Eric and his shooping pal after they left some of their shopping in the store.

16.9.16..... MAN UNITED'S ERIC BAILLY FORGETS SOME OF HIS SHOPPING, GETS CHASED BY THE SHOP ASSISTANT AND THEN GETS A HUG.........Man United's Eric Bailly has a 2 hour shopping trip to Selfridges in Manchester city centre on Friday afternoon to buy the winter coat that he ended up wearing out of the shop due to the weather getting colder. A shop assistant runs after Eric and his shooping pal after they left some of their shopping in the store.


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