فيديو وصور.. نيال هوران يطلق كليب جديد بعنوان Nice To Meet Ya

الأحد، 06 أكتوبر 2019 06:00 م
فيديو وصور.. نيال هوران يطلق كليب جديد بعنوان Nice To Meet Ya من كليب Nice To Meet Ya
كتبت : رانيا علوى


اضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء

اطلق النجم العالمي نيال هوران كليب جديد حمل اسم " Nice To Meet Ya " ، و ذلك علي قناته الخاصة بموقع الفيديو الشهير " يوتيوب " و قد تم تداوله بكثافة من قبل عشاق ومحبي نيال البالغ من العمر ( 26 عاما ) .

و استطاع كليب " Nice To Meet Ya " خلال يوم واحد فقط أن يحقق نسبة مشاهدة تخطت الـ 3ملايين مرة .


كلمات الاغنية

I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear

I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear

'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there

Every time I turn around, you disappear


I wanna blow your mind, just come with me, I swear

I'm gonna take you somewhere warm, you know j'adore la mer

'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there

Every time I turn around, you disappear



(I got love for you)

(I got love for you)

Nice to meet ya

(I got love for you)

(I got love for you)



Nice to meet ya, what's your name?

Let me treat ya to a drink


I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear

I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear

'Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there

Every time I turn around, you disappear



(I got love for you)

(I got love for you)

Nice to meet ya

(I got love for you)

(I got love for you)



One minute, you're there, the next one, you're gone

Been waiting for you all night, so come on

You know what I need, you know what I want

You know what I need now, you know what I need now



Nice to meet ya, what's your name?

Let me treat ya to a drink



Nice to meet ya

(I got love for you)

Where ya been?

(I got love for you)

Let me treat ya

(I got love for you)

To a drink

(I got love for you)

Nice to meet ya

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