بالصوت والكلمات..كريستينا ميليان: أغنيتى الجديدة Rebel "تجربة شخصية"

الثلاثاء، 03 مارس 2015 04:36 م
بالصوت والكلمات..كريستينا ميليان: أغنيتى الجديدة Rebel "تجربة شخصية" كريستينا ميليان
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اضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء
أطلقت النجمة العالمية كريستينا ميليان " audio " أغنية جديدة "سينجل" تحمل اسم " Rebel " ، وأعلنت ميليان لموقع "هيب هوليوود " أنها اختارت هذه الأغنية لتقديمها كونها حقًا تجربة شخصية مرت بها حول وجود "كيمياء" مع شخص ما.

واستكملت كريستينا ميليان أنها عملت جاهدة الفترة الماضية لتخرج هذه الأغنية لمحبيها ومعجبيها بشكل مميز، وتوقعت لها النجاح بقدر المجهود الذى بذل فيها.

يذكر أن كريستينا ميليان قدمت عددا كبيرا من الأغانى الناجحة، من أبرزها : " A Girl Like Me " و " Call Me, Beep Me! " و " Hands on Me " و " I Can Be That Woman " و " I Gotta Get To You " و " I Need More " و غيرها الكثير .

تقول كلمات الأغنية

I'm such a rebel for you,
ridin' in the coupe,
waitin' on whats up (waiting' on whats up)
Every time we ride, I'm rollin' up to you.
I'm so comfortable, but this is terrible,
oh no, no, no. I'm in trouble now, i'm in trouble now,
but the sex feels so good
I'm like whatever now, whatever now.
Its too late and I can't turn my back
on the future.
As long as we know
whats up, whats up, whats up?
Theres nothing left to discuss boy,
lets fuck, its just us.
And we got this understanding right now.
Its me and you ( it's me and you)
and the outsiders don't matter,
its me and you. Its me and you
(It's me and you, me and you, me and you)
and the outsiders don't matter no, no, no.
I know whats good,
I've been hit like this before.
I know you're feeling me
and I'm feeling you too.
Yeah. I just wanna have a good night,
sipping Veuve on a yacht.
I'm on one, whatcha gonna do now?
I really hope its taking me down below.
Lets get it on tonight, its only me and you.
As long as we know
whats up, whats up, whats up?
Theres nothing left to discuss boy,
lets fuck, its just us.
And we got this understanding right now.
Its me and you (me and you)
and the outsiders don't matter,
its me and you. Its me and you
(me and you, me and you, me and you)
and the outsiders don't matter no, no, no.

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