أقوى المراجعات النهائية لطلاب الثانوية العامة فى مادة اللغة الإنجليزية.. شرح واف للأجزاء الرئيسية فى المقرر.. والأسئلة المتوقعة فى امتحانات آخر العام

الأربعاء، 08 أبريل 2015 10:04 ص
أقوى المراجعات النهائية لطلاب الثانوية العامة فى مادة اللغة الإنجليزية.. شرح واف للأجزاء الرئيسية فى المقرر.. والأسئلة المتوقعة فى امتحانات آخر العام طلاب الثانوية العامة
إعداد - أ. على إمام - إشراف شيماء سمير


اضف تعليقاً واقرأ تعليقات القراء

نقلا عن العدد اليومى..

يقدم "اليوم السابع" فى عدد اليوم، سلسلة مراجعات الثانوية العامة لنخب من أفضل الأساتذة، على أمل أن تكون بعد الله تعالى، سبباً فى تفوق أبنائنا الطلاب، وسبيلاً نحو الدرجات النهائية. وفى عدد اليوم الأربعاء، يقدم "اليوم السابع" أقوى مراجعات اللغة الإنجليزية بأسئلة تغطى كافة أجزاء المنهج، مع نماذج إجابات مبسطة، لنخب من أفضل أساتذة المادة.

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

The Questions

1 – Respond to each of the following situations :

1 – Your father asks you what you were doing at 7 yesterday.
2 – You don’t understand why it gets dark at night , as someone to explain.
3 – A friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep fit, State another
4 – Your brother looks worried , you want to know if he has a problem.
5 – Your mother was very busy yesterday, you regret not helping her.
6 – Your friend starts to cross the road when you see a car , warn him.
7 – You ask someone about the qualifications and experience.
8 – You don’t understand what distance learning is , ask your friend.

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

2 – Mention the place , the speakers and the function :

1 – A : Excuse me , what are you doing here?
B : I am here to demonstrate.
A : What for ?
B : freedom , social justice and equality.

2 – A : Are you in your first year?
B : Yes , I am studying English.
A : Good you will enjoy studying here.

3– A : Well, your application has been successful.
B : Good when do I start?
A : Next month in our branch in Cairo.

4 – A : Do you remember what happened?
B : No , I just remember walking in the street.
A : You have to stay until we have check on you.

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

3 – Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

1 – The moon has less------ than the earth so we can jump much higher.
2 - -------- he understand the lesson if he read the summary?
3 – The prisoner Of Zenda took ---------------- in the nineteenth century.
4 – Ali --------------- travelling by sea.
(used to-using to- is used to-uses to)
5 – Modern ----- are the tall towers which are built where there is much wind.
(waste-wind turbines – fossil –hydroelectric)
6 – How --------------- information have you got from the story?
7 – This nice story ------------------- by Taha Hussein.
(is written-writes-was written-wrote)
8 – Yehia Haqqi graduated in law and worked for a short time as a ------------------
9 – It is a month ------------------ Hend last visited her uncle.
10 – The ------------ are the parts of the tree that grow underground.
11 – He will catch the train---------------- coming in time.
(If-In case of – unless-in spite of)
12 – The cover of the book is made of -----------------------
13 – The teacher asked Ahmad ----------------- all the way on foot.
(if he came-if did he come-would he come-if does he come)
14 - ------------------- makes light shine on something.
(Grass-Cliff-Illuminate –Carve)
15 – They left two hours ago, so they ----------------- arrived by now, it is not far.
(must-must have-can’t have-have)
16 – He did nothing wrong , he is --------------------
17 – My brother and I are not twins , but we are very --------------------------
18 – Electricity is produced in a/an ------------------------ station.
19 – Agatha Christie’s books ---------------------- into more than 40 languages.
(have been translated-have translated-translated- were being translated)
20 – Her uncle can’t remember his accident , he may have ----------------
21 – Lightning is a dangerous but a natural ---------------------------------
22 – Wanting friends is part of human --------------------------------------
23 – It is hard to walk in space because there is no -------------------------
24 – Wind and water power are types of ----------------------- energy.
25 – We went to open a new school last week . It was a n interesting------------
26 – She didn’t see her brother this morning , he --------------------- the flat.
(must leave-can’t have left-must have left- can’t leave)
27 - ------------------------ you work harder , you will fail.
(If –Unless-when –As )
28 – My sister --------- at university for 3 years, she comes home every weekend.
(has been-is –had been- is being)
29 – She asked me whether --------------- there before.
(I had been-I had went- I go – had I been)
30 – We arrived half an hour late , the film ---------------- half an hour earlier.
(began-was beginning – had begun- has begun)

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

4 – Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences :

1 – All scientists are interested of space.
2 – My brother had a good educated , he went o one of the best universities.
3 – Despite she is clever , Mona failed the exam.
4 – I went to a university to buy some medicine.
5 – Before you go to London, you should practice to speak English.

6 – My father is a good tennis playing.
7 – Goma’a El Shawan was a very famous Egyptian King.
8 – I fixed the lake in the petrol tank.
9 – The married team went to Italy during their holiday.
10 – He asked me if I saw his newspaper.
11 – The prisoner of Zenda was wrote by Antony Hope.
12 – He doesn’t like pasta , he always eats it.
13 – I wish I can read more quickly.
14 – We have to show our credit cards before entering the university.
15 – I will never forget the day where I first saw my husband.

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

5-The Novel (The Prisoner of Zenda)

A. Answer the following questions:

1- What kind of work does Rose suggest Rudolf should do?
2- Why does the Duke poison the king?
3- Why is Sapt so anxious about Rassendyll’s decision to ride alone through
the old town?
4- How does Rassendyll come out of the summer house alive?
B. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
“So you’d prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the capital.”
1- Who says this to Rassendyll?
2- When does the person say this?
3- What “animal” is Rassendyll going to hunt?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following and correct it:
1- Antoinette de Mauban asks Sapt to rescue her from the Duke.
2- The owner’s wife of the inn thought that Rassendyll was the king.

6 – Translation

A ) Translate into Arabic :

1 ) Co-operation among nations of the world will result in spreading peace and security. They should help each other to improve the living conditions of their people.
2) Egypt should do its best to solve the problem of water especially after building the renaissance (renewal) Dam in Ethiopia.
3 ) The Government does its best to improve relations with Nile Basin countries .

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

B ) Translate into English:

-1 يجب أن ننشئ الأطفال على حب الوطن واحترام الوالدين .
-2 شعب مصر كريم وطيب معروف بالشهامة وحب الكرامة.
-3 تحث الأديان على السلام والرحمة والتعايش السلمي .
-4 مصر بلد الأمن والأمان لافرق بين مسلم ومسيحي .

The Answers

1 – Respond to each of the following situations :
1-I was watching TV.
2 –Can you explain why it gets dark at night?
3 –I think running is a good way .
4 –what is the matter? What is wrong with you?
5 – I should have helped her. / I wish I had helped her.
6 – please, be carful. / watch out please.
7 – What about your qualifications and experience?
8 – Can you explain what distance learning is , please?

2 – Mention the place , the speakers and the function :
place : street/square A : reporter B : demonstrator Function : asking and giving information
place :university A :student B : new student Function : asking for and giving information
place :company A : manager B :applicant Function : giving information and inquiry
4 –
place : hospital A : doctor B : patient Function : asking for information and advice
3 – Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1 – The moon has less------ than the earth so we can jump much higher.
2 - -------- he understand the lesson if he read the summary?
3 – The prisoner Of Zenda took ---------------- in the nineteenth century.
4 – Ali --------------- travelling by sea.
(used to-using to- is used to-uses to)
5 – Modern ----- are the tall towers which are built where there is much wind.
(waste-wind turbines – fossil –hydroelectric)
6 – How --------------- information have you got from the story?
7 – This nice story ------------------- by Taha Hussein.
(is written-writes-was written-wrote)
8 – Yehia Haqqi graduated in law and worked for a short time as a ------------------
9 – It is a month ------------------ Hend last visited her uncle.
10 – The ------------ are the parts of the tree that grow underground.
11 – He will catch the train---------------- coming in time.
(If-In case of – unless-in spite of)
12 – The cover of the book is made of -----------------------
13 – The teacher asked Ahmad ----------------- all the way on foot.
(if he came-if did he come-would he come-if does he come)
14 - ------------------- makes light shine on something.
(Grass-Cliff-Illuminate –Carve)
15 – They left two hours ago, so they ----------------- arrived by now, it is not far.
(must-must have-can’t have-have)
16 – He did nothing wrong , he is --------------------
17 – My brother and I are not twins , but we are very --------------------------
18 – Electricity is produced in a/an ------------------------ station.
19 – Agatha Christie’s books ---------------------- into more than 40 languages.
(have been translated-have translated-translated- were being translated)
20 – Her uncle can’t remember his accident , he may have ----------------
21 – Lightning is a dangerous but a natural ---------------------------------
22 – Wanting friends is part of human --------------------------------------
23 – It is hard to walk in space because there is no -------------------------
24 – Wind and water power are types of ----------------------- energy.
25 – We went to open a new school last week . It was a n interesting------------
26 – She didn’t see her brother this morning , he --------------------- the flat.
(must leave-can’t have left-must have left- can’t leave)
27 - ------------------------ you work harder , you will fail.
(If –Unless-when –As )
28 – My sister --------- at university for 3 years, she comes home every weekend.
(has been-is –had been- is being)
29 – She asked me whether --------------- there before.
(I had been-I had went- I go – had I been)
30 – We arrived half an hour late , the film ---------------- half an hour earlier.
(began-was beginning – had begun- has begun)

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

4 – Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences :

1 – All scientists are interested of space. in
2 – My brother had a good educated , he went o one of the best universities.education
3 – Despite she is clever , Mona failed the exam.Although
4 – I went to a university to buy some medicine.pharmacy / chemist’s
5 – Before you go to London, you should practice to speak English.
learn / know/ practise / train
6 – My father is a good tennis playing.player
7 – Goma’a El Shawan was a very famous Egyptian King.spy/ secret agent
8 – I fixed the lake in the petrol tank.leak
9 – The married team went to Italy during their holiday.couple
10 – He asked me if I saw his newspaper.had seen
11 – The prisoner of Zenda was wrote by Antony Hope.written
12 – He doesn’t like pasta , he always eats it.never
13 – I wish I can read more quickly.could
14 – We have to show our credit cards before entering the university.identity
15 – I will never forget the day where I first saw my husband. when

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

5-The Novel (The Prisoner of Zenda)

A. Answer the following questions:

1- What kind of work does Rose suggest Rudolf should do?
@She wants him to take a job in an embassy, working for Sir Jacob Borrodaile.
2- Why does the Duke poison the king?
To prevent him from attending the coronation and because Duke Michael wanted to be the king instead of hi brother.
3- Why is Sapt so anxious about Rassendyll’s decision to ride alone through
the old town?
He knows that the people in the old town support the Duke and he is afraid that Rassendyll will be hurt or attacked there.
4- How does Rassendyll come out of the summer house alive?
He holds the iron table in front of him to protect him (like a shield) and he rushes out

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

B. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:

“So you’d prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the capital.”

Who says this to Rassendyll?
Princess Flavia
When does the person say this?
When Rassendyll told her he was going to Zenda to hunt
What “animal” is Rassendyll going to hunt?
Duke Michael

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

C) Find the mistake in each of the following and correct it:

1- Antoinette de Mauban asks Rassendyll to rescue her from the Duke.
2- The owner’s daughter of the inn thought that Rassendyll was the king.

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6 – Translation

A ) Translate into English :

1 - التعاون بين الدول يؤدي إلى نشر السلام والأمان. ويجب على تلك الدول مساعدة بعضها البعض لتحسين مستويات معيشة الناس / الشعوب .
-2 يجب أن تبذل مصر قصاري جهدهل لحل مشكله المياة وخاصة بعد بناء سد النهضة في اثيوبيا
-3 تبذل الحكومة قصاري جهدها لتحسين العلاقات مع دول حوض النيل

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

B ) Translate into Arabic:

1- We should bring up children on nation love and respecting parents.
2-The Egyptian people are generous and are known for nobility and love of dignity.
3- All religions call for peace , mercy and peaceful life.
4- Egypt is the country of safe and safety(security) , there is no difference between a Muslim or Christian .

اليوم السابع -4 -2015

العدد اليومى -اليوم السابع -4 -2015
العدد اليومى

موضوعات متعلقة..

- هدية "اليوم السابع" لطلاب الثانوية العامة.. أقوى المراجعات النهائية فى مادة التاريخ.. شرح واف للأجزاء الرئيسية للمقرر.. وإجابات وافية عن الأسئلة المتوقعة فى امتحانات هذا العام


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